Blue Screen of Death

Blue Screen of Death (System Malfunction Screen)

The BSOD is not a screen you ever want to see. Something terribly wrong has happened. Although, it can sometimes be an easy fix in order to get your computer in working order. Remember, viruses and malware can cause a BSOD, so checking for them first is the top priority. To do that check the virus removal guide. If it's not a virus, follow the steps below. This is for Windows Only. 

First, let's check the operating system:

1. Click the start button and type this pc. Click it. 

2. Right click Local Disk C and select properties. 

3. Click the tools tab

4. Under Error-Checking, click check. 

5. Select all check boxes and click schedule. 

When Scandisk finishes scanning your computer, if it finds a problem, it should correct the issue. If it does, great. You're done! If not, keep going. 

6. Click the start button

7. Type cmd

8. Right click Command prompt and select Run as Administrator

9. Type the command sfc/scannow

When this scan finishes, it will tell you if it found any issues and it will try to repair them. If the problem still persists, keep going. 

10. If you don't have CCleaner, you can download and install it from Open CCleaner. 

11. Click on Registry

12. Click scan for issues.

13. Click fix selected issues

14. Click fix all selected

15. Do not create a backup

If CCleaner fixes the problem. You're done. If not, keep going. 

Now we are going to check for hardware problems that could be causing the BSOD. The easiest one is to remove all the dust inside the case to keep the PC from overheating, which can cause the BSOD. 

1. Unplug the PC

2. Open the case

3. Use a can of compressed air to blow out all the dust. Make sure to spray all fans, computer components and air vents. 

Now we must check to make sure everything is okay, while the case is open. 

1. Check all cables for tightness and proper fit

2. Press hard on the RAM to make sure it is seated properly.

3. Check to make sure that all components are seated properly in the slot. 

Now turn on the PC and see if the PC is working. If it is, then it's solved. If not, keep going. 

Now let's diagnose the individual components. 

4. Download and install Seatools for windows (Google Seatools for Windows)

5. Click your hard drive under PATA or SATA, then click SMART Check under basic tests

6. If SMART Check comes back clean, then click the Short Drive Self Test

7. If that comes back good, Run the Long Drive Self Test

8. If all tests come back clean, you can rule out the Hard Drive

Now let's diagnose the Memory. 

9. Click the Start button

10. Type mem

11. Click on Windows Memory Diagnostics

12. Schedule it to run on next boot up. 

13. Let it run it's check and then check the report when it finishes.

Now, from this point, if all the checks come out clean, it could be a core windows problem and Windows may need to be reinstalled. If it's the Processor or graphics card, you can check that by running a graphic intensive program and see if the BSOD appears. If it does, it's either one of them. If not, then it's a Windows issue and it needs to be reinstalled.  

Remember, sometimes the algorithm that determines whether or not to trip a BSOD can sometimes make a mistake and all it takes is a simple restart and the problem is solved. This happened a lot on Windows XP and below. But Since Windows Vista, the BSOD has been getting more and more accurate. Still, restart and see what happens. 

 Please note: No person or company paid me to say anything about any of the topics above. These are my opinions and what I have observed using the program personally. Your experience may vary. I am not responsible for any data loss that may occur. Use my guides at your own risk.